AlephTalks Mysticism: Where Science, Art and Spirituality Meet

AlephTalks is an adult faith formation class that surveys a variety of faiths and beliefs.

Bart Stuck and Marjorie Partch are leading these weekly discussions, which follow readings and lectures on ancient concepts and cutting-edge theories, exploring:

• Organized religion is an increasingly irrelevant part of daily life, with growing numbers citing their religious affiliation as NONE.

• Materialism is ascendant, with more people questioning the meaning of life.

• At the same time, Western science, after five hundred years, finds it has been studying five percent of the Universe.

Join these classes and begin to perceive the unity and hidden order of the world around us — the Uni-verse. Sources will include The Tao of Physics, and correspondence between psychoanalyst C.G. Jung and physicist Wolfgang Pauli: Atom and Archetype.

Course material is available on the website.

Examples of course materials include

Zoom video/audio recordings are available on YouTube.

Interfaith Chants for Meditation

Om Shanti

Om Mani Padme Hum


O Great Spirit

There Is Only One

Kosi Rvaya

Sa Ta Na Ma

May the Long Time Sun

Rudolf Steiner anticipated many of the themes of this course during the early 20th century; he wrote over 350 books, and founded the Waldorf Schools to educate people in how to think in a different, perhaps more natural, manner. A video summarizing his thinking is found here.

An example of an independent video entitled Unlocking Spiritual Illumination: The Hidden Wisdom of the Rosicrucians suggests how widespread these concepts are, in all ages and around the globe.

It is clear that the notions of spirituality and mysticism go back millenia.  One example are the ruins what appears to be a spiritual temple or meeting place (not a village or city) called Gobekle Tepi, which appear to be perhaps twelve thousand years old; to put this in perspective, if we look at the time span from when Gobekle Tepi was built until the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was built, that duration of time is greater than the time span from the construction of the Great Pyramid until today.

The Hopi Indians speak of humanity having lived through three ages, and we are now in the fourth age, which in its end will perish due to fire.

A different example is the story of Gilgamesh, which describes how humanity did evil and was destroyed in a flood; this is independent of the story in Genesis in the Torah or Old Testament; some count over two hundred fifty instances in different cultures that describe a flood that wiped out humanity.

Over the millenia there are stories of fairies, leprechauns, sorcerers, witches and on and on that appear and disappear and can impact human affairs or not.  Book Three of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali describe powers that can be attained through deep meditation, permitting levitation, walking through walls, and disappearing. Jesus of Nazareth was apparently able to flee the Temple when the crowd turned against him by becoming invisible.

In more modern times, we come across stories of pyramids.   Among the oldest pyramids are those in Roumania, in the Bucegi mountain range which is part of the Balkan mountains.  A recent series of books by Radu Cinamar and Peter Moon has dealt with these  pyramids and a global tunnel system that can be entered there.

Michael Salla has spent decades researching the prehistory of humanity, so that we may learn from the past how to deal with the present and the future.  He has published a number of books, and has two videos on the prehistory of humanity (Part I and Part II).

Miriam Delicado was recently interviewed by Michael Salla about her book Blue Star: Fulfilling the Prophecy about the four ages the Hopi Native American tribes described.

Dolores Cannon spent decades doing hypnotic regression of thousands of individuals taking them back into memories of past lives, and has uncovered a fabric of prehistory that many find very compelling; because multiple individuals independently and without knowing one another confirm different aspects of this story, it cannot be immediately dismissed.  This has led her to discerning twelve stages of spiritual awakening as well as other aspects.

The Book of Urantia deals with the Book of Revelations and is summarized in a video.

Spirituality is found at every turn, but in particular in the beauty of nature.  We have traveled to many places of great natural beauty; here is a partial list of our visitations

US National Parks

Snow Skiing

Scuba Diving

Special Places Outside the USA

Bicycle Trips in France